The term business administration expresses the process of organizing and coordinating business, which usually includes several operations, including the production of machines and materials, financing, innovation, and marketing, and management is responsible for planning, organizing, controlling business resources and directing them towards achieving the general policy objectives of the institution or company.
The Business Administration degree courses are designed to provide in-depth knowledge of a range of aspects related to business operations such as accounting, marketing, finance, and more.
A graduate of the United States Institute for Training and Management possesses thinking skills and practical knowledge in the field of management specialization, the programs aim to provide graduates with the opportunity to learn from trainers with extensive experience in business administration, in addition, the training courses give you the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals in various walks of life and in Various countries.
Postgraduate Business Administration fields of work:
The business administration specialization sector is one of the sectors rich in job opportunities. Among the most important jobs that a business administration graduate can work in are:
• Production management and planning.
• Data management and analysis.
• Public Administration.
• Sales Administration.
• Projects management.
• Human Resource Management.
• Investing in securities.
• Budget preparation and management.
• Financial planning and management.
• Marketing.
• Digital Marketing.
• Strategies development.
• Accounting.
• Administrative manager.
• Production Manager.
• Bank manager.
• Marketing manager.
• Director of Public Relations.
• Financial Manager.
• Sales Manager.
• Project Manager.
• Purchasing Manager.
• Management consultant.